Jake Denton

Game Designer

About Me


I'm Jake, a game design graduate from Brunel University London. I specialise in Unity development and designing active, real-time game mechanics and systems with a primary focus on fun and game feel. My projects, both solo and collaborative, are made possible by a degree-level understanding of design theory and a wide range of practical skills such as programming and in-engine prototyping.

Like any game designer, I love playing games, but being unable to afford many as a child, I would instead buy magazines such as PC Gamer, PC Zone, Official PlayStation and Official Xbox, and it was through their accompanying demo disks that I was exposed to all sorts of wild adventures, niche genres, and unique aesthetics that continue to influence my work today. Now, having finished my degree, I'm excited to find my place in the industry, make some kick-ass games, and ultimately inspire the next generation of designers, the same way those old demos inspired me.

Game Design Icon
Design Documentation Icon
Unity Logo
C-Sharp Programming Logo

Game Design

Design Documentation


C# Programming

I.T. Icon
Sound Design Icon
Adobe Photoshop Logo
Adobe After Effects Logo
Vegas Pro Logo
Music Note Icon

IT / Computer Maintenance

Sound Design

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects

Vegas Pro

Music Production

open-source code by kelcodes